quarta-feira, 4 de junho de 2008

A hero comes home

Aaah, finalmente achei a letra da música cantada pela rainha no salão do hidromel, em Beowulf.

*Apertem play e vão lendo =)

A hero comes home

Out of the mist of history he'll come again
Sailing on ships across the sea to a wounded nation
Signs of a savior and fire on the water
It's what we prayed for, one of our own

Just wait though wide he may roam
Always a hero comes home
He goes where no one has gone
But always a hero comes home

Deep in the heart of darkness sparks a dream of light
Surrounded by hopelessness he finds the will to fight
There's no surrender, always remember
It doesn't end here, we're not alone

Just wait though wide he may roam
Always a hero comes home
He goes where no one has gone
But always a hero comes home

And he will come back on a crimson tide
Dead or alive
And even though we know the bridge has burned
He will return... He will return!

Just wait though wide he may roam
Always a hero comes home
He knows of places unknown
But always a hero comes home

Someday he may carve his stone
The hero comes home

He goes and comes back alone
But always a hero comes home
Just wait though wide he may roam
Always a hero come home!

Amigos, esse é um filme legal. Não precisava ter sido em CG, mas mesmo assim ficou muito bom. Ainda mais pra quem já conhecia a lenda de Beowulf e principalmente pra quem conhecia as relações dessa lenda com a Obra do Professor, o grande Tolkien. Comparem agora esse filme com aquele antigo, com o Christopher "Raiden" Lambert.

Ver esse filme me dá muita vontade de ir numa certa taverna aqui de Brasília. Quem quer ir? o/